Restaurant Review: Dunguaire Castle Banquet, Kinvarra

Despite my misgivings (sharing a meal with 55 folks from a tour bus isn't quite my idea of fun), I have to say that the Dunguaire Castle Banquet was a very entertaining evening.

Ye olde hall...with lots of olde people.
The castle is certainly legit; I've never eaten in a 15th-centrury stone banquet hall before.  Its dank and drafty--I can't imagine this being much fun in the winter.  The actors knew what they were doing, and took their jobs seriously.  The post-meal entertainment in particular was diverting.

The food?  Well, it was surprisingly reasonable.  (No, you don't have to eat with your hands.)

Smoked salmon salad.
We started with clay goblets of mead served on the ground floor to harp music.  The mead was as musty, cloying, and sweet as other meads I've tried, but I don't have enough experience to evaluate it.

Next, we moved to the main hall, where we were served bread, salads, butter, wine, and water.  All was unremarkable, but hearty.

Potato and leek soup.
The appetizer was a potato-leek soup poured from jugs.  Hot, well-seasoned, and suprisingly good.  We really enjoyed vegetable soups in general across Ireland.

Chicken, veggies, and potatoes.
The main course was chicken breast in cream sauce, green beans, carrots, and boiled potatoes.  Again, unremarkable, but hearty.

Pie and fresh whipped cream.
Dessert was some sort of mass-produced apple crisp, with bowls of fresh unsweetened whipped cream.

Overall, for the price I can't recommend the Banquet for the food.  Combined with the entertianment, well, I'm still not very high on the experience.  But--add in dining in a geniune 15th century stone castle, with all the good and bad that entails, and suddenly I'm much more comfortable giving this event a tentative thumbs up.  If you're curious, try it.  I think you'll get your money's worth out of the evening.

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